I thought I'd hop on over here to show you the prize for the first Menagerie Contest Giveaway. The tip was "A Cute Bunny." I hope I have accomplished that with this one. I was going for something not so "Easter," since one of my other entries was an Easter Bunny. I want to be fair, and also I want my work to be the kind of thing a person could display year-round if desired.

Because of the labor intensity, I am wondering if I will ever put one in my shop. I could do these, but can't produce them on the scale of my poodles. This bunny would be costly compared to my other ones. Would you buy a bunny that is about one to two inches tall, and priced at around $20 to $25?
Let me know in the comments. Otherwise, It's back to the drawing board to find a more mass-marketable bunny. :) Thanks for reading!
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